After reaching a total of 101 different birds last year, I have decided to just record day counts from now on. It was becoming increasingly difficult to separate individuals especially amongst the juvenile/first-winter birds that change rapidly.
- Seven on January 6th (3 first-winter, 2 second-winter and 2 adults)
- Six on January 13th (2 adults, 1 fourth-winter, 2 third-winter and a first-winter)
- Three on January 27th (1 adult, 1 second-winter and 1 first-winter)
- One on January 28th (second-winter)
- Three on January 31st ( adult and two first-winters)
Total for January 25
- three on February 3rd (second-winter and 2 first-winters - one of the first-winters first seen on January 31st)
Total for February 2 (poor total due to illness and the IGM) March
Total for March 15 April